15 Minutes With: Amy Berry of Take Care Tahoe

We sat down with Amy Berry of Take Care Tahoe, to share the story behind what it's like to empower travelers to help maintain Tahoe's natural beauty for generations to come.

Lake Tahoe, situated in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, straddling the California-Nevada border, is one of my favorite destinations. It's a one-hour drive from Reno, Nevada, and two hours from Sacramento, California. The area boosts never-ending beauty, and the variety of outdoor activities in which one can participate throughout the year including hiking, skiing, standup paddleboard, kayaking, sailing and bicycling.

My first visit to Lake Tahoe was with some friends when we were a few years out of college. The drive east from San Francisco started with rolling hills then opened up to more mountainous and forested terrain, then dropping into the Tahoe basin where the lake sits at an elevation of 6,225 feet. On that trip we were fortunate enough to stay in a house right on the lake in South Lake Tahoe, California, and ski at Heavenly which has a gondola taking you from the center of town right to the top, just above 10,000 feet, for an amazing view of the lake.

Since that amazing visit I’ve made several trips back to Tahoe, including to ride in America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride, a 100-mile ride that takes you around the entire lake. The endless adventure, scenery and activities are why I keep coming back. Thanks to several dedicated groups, the Lake Tahoe region maintains its beautiful natural environment.

The endless adventure, scenery and activities are why I keep coming back.

Take Care Tahoe, founded by a group of 30 organizations around the Lake Tahoe region, came together to address the need for environmental stewardship and to get visitors and locals to take better care of the Tahoe environment. Its mission is: to connect more people to the beautiful Lake Tahoe environment to nurture a culture of sustainability.

On behalf of Kind Traveler, I spoke with Amy Berry, Executive Director of Tahoe Fund, one of Take Care Tahoe’s partner organizations. The Tahoe Fund was founded in 2010 by a diverse group of organizations - environmental, business, public and private in California and Nevada – coming together to engage in supporting environmental improvement projects.

Tell us about the mission of Take Care Tahoe:  

Take Care's mission: to connect more people to the beautiful Lake Tahoe environment to nurture a culture of sustainability. 

How did it get started and who are the founders?

Tahoe Fund was founded in 2010 by a group of leaders from a diverse collection of interests: environmental, business, public, private, and both States and all sides of the Lake. They saw a need to get the private community engaged in supporting environmental improvement projects. 

Take Care was founded by Tahoe Fund, TRPA, UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, Tahoe Resource Conservation District and the League to Save Lake Tahoe. The groups came together to address a need for stewardship, to get folks to take better care of the Tahoe environment. 

What inspired the Take Care Tahoe campaign? You had mentioned that some LA comedians were involved in the concepts/copy for the animated videos. 

When the group got together, we knew we needed to do something dramatically different to solve issues we were seeing in Tahoe: dog poop on trails, litter on trails, bears being fed, campfires turning into wildfires, etc.

We decided one collaborative campaign for the region was necessary to get the messages out. We were lucky to hire an amazing creative team of Meg Seigal and Nate Laver who had recently done work on the anti-smoking "Truth" campaign. They created Take Care to poke fun of the mistakes we all make, with funny headlines written by stand-up comedians and catchy artwork created by Richard Perez. From their first headline "If it's your dog it's your doody" we knew we were on to something special.

The campaign has now expanded to more than 80 messages covering more than 10 topics. Signs are posted all over Tahoe with the consistent message. 

What is the goal of the Take Care Tahoe campaign?

Goal number one is to make people feel more connected to the Tahoe environment so they will take care of it. We do this through the fun Take Care campaign and the new website. The Website is critical to engaging more people in the various ways they can enjoy Tahoe's environment and learn more about it. The site features hundreds of events that focus on connecting people to Tahoe. From docent led hikes to bird watching to beach clean ups, there is a lot for everyone. 

How do you measure those goals?

We measure by adoption of the sign campaign, website visitors, and event participation.  

How do you get the message out to visitors to Lake Tahoe?

Through a partnership of over 50 public and private organizations, we are spreading the Take Care word. You will see signs at State Parks and the grocery store. 210 hotels have Take Care messaging in the rack cards or at check-in. 

What volunteer opportunities are available for visitors to Lake Tahoe?

We have so many available through the Take Care website. You can help build a trail. You can clean up a beach. You can replant trees.  

What inspired you to partner with Kind Traveler?

Kind Traveler is a perfect match with Take Care. Our whole goal is to drive sustainability with our residents and visitors. Kind Traveler gets that message out at the time of booking, even before they arrive. So, when visitors get here, they already have a sense of how important our environment is. 

Is there anything else that tourists to the Lake Tahoe area should know about Take Care Tahoe?

TakeCareTahoe.org is a wonderful resource for your trip. Explore it before you arrive and learn about activities and centers you can visit while here.  

Explore exclusive hotel rates and perks offered from Kind Hotels in Lake Tahoe when you give a $10 nightly donation to Take Care Tahoe, or a charity of choice. 100% to charity. 

Check out this story on Kind Traveler here.

You can book Kind Traveler hotels in Lake Tahoe or any of its other destinations here.

#OptOutside For a Healthier You & the Planet

Now in its 5th year, REI’s #OptOutside campaign has gone beyond the crazy idea of closing its stores on #BlackFriday and encouraging employees and customers to explore the outdoors instead of going shopping. Not participating in Black Friday while paying its 13,000 employees for the day certainly hasn’t hurt the outdoor equipment retailer.

The member-owned co-operative - with 158 stores in 37 states - has posted record revenues for 15 straight years and increased its membership to 18 million loyal customers as of the end of 2018. Members have received a total of $204 million in dividends and card rewards. REI has also donated $8.4 million to 431 non-profits, many of which support local communities and our environment.

Recently, REI has taken its #OptOutside campaign to a new level by:

·      Achieving a recycling rate of 76% in its retail stores, headquarters and distribution centers, with the goal of becoming zero waste by the end of 2020

·      Challenging the outdoor industry to eliminate unneeded packaging such as individual polybags for apparel

·      Partnering with Subaru of America to help members recycle hard-to-recycle items such as bike tubes, tents and yoga mats

·      Being a leader in the Circular Economy by expanding its gear rental and used gear sales to make outdoor activities like camping more affordable and to reduce the amount of new gear that needs to be produced

·      Introducing its Opt to Act Plan, 52 weeks of simple actions to reduce impact, get active and leave the world a better place

Speaking of spending time in natural outdoor environments - not just walking from your car to the shopping mall - multiple studies have shown a number of positive health benefits of spending time outdoors including: 

·      Higher levels of creativity

·      Lower anxiety, more positive emotions

·      Reduced stress levels

·      Lower blood pressure

So stay out of that crowded shopping mall, put down your mobile device and get outside! You’ll be happier and healthier for it! 

Mark Frieden is the principal of Crossbow Strategies, a sustainability and CSR consultancy based in Maryland.

#CSR #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #Recycling #Health #Outdoors #Fitness

Giving Tuesday and Community Impact

As we approach the end of the year, everyone should think about non-profit organizations that need our financial or volunteer support. #GivingTuesday, which began in 2012, rounds out November with a kickoff to year-end philanthropy. Donations can national organizations such as the American Red Cross and Salvation Army or to community-based organizations that help feed the homeless, support animal welfare, education or protect the environment. According to the Philanthropy News Digest, $274 million was raised for non-profits on #GivingTuesday in 2017.

Giving back to your community can also mean volunteering your time with a charity. Many charities provide opportunities for the public to get involved whether it’s a few hours or an entire day. It could be anything from cleaning up trash from a local stream or riverbank to serving meals at homeless shelters. In addition to the ‘feel good’ you get from volunteering, you may also meet new friends who might want to volunteer again with you.

You can research how your donation contributes to the mission of a specific charity by checking rankings on GuideStar or Charity Navigator. You can even learn about health-related charities that employ alternatives to animal research on Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Corporations, small businesses, universities, schools, organizations and individuals can visit the web site, GivingTuesday, to learn about how to run a successful giving campaign and use the power of social media to direct potential donors to specific causes, not just today but 365 days a year.

Although today, November 27, 2018, is #GivingTuesday, now is a great time for your company or organization to plan how to give back throughout the year in 2019 and really make a difference. What’s your community impact strategy? Contact Crossbow Strategies today to learn how we can help your organization.

Five Things Your Business and/or Family Can Do For the Earth and Community For Free or Little Money

Now that this year’s Earth Day (April 22) celebrations, tree plantings, etc. are over, many of us go back to old habits. We can all do our part 365 days a year to protect the earth’s resources and reduce the effects of climate change because without a healthy environment, we won’t have a healthy economy. Here’s some easy actions you can take along with additional resources.

1.     Reduce waste, increase recycling

It’s now relatively easy to recycle paper, glass and plastic, especially in urban areas as containers can be found in commercial buildings and along the street. Often jurisdictions will provide recycling containers for home and office. Items containing hazardous materials such as electronics, construction materials and paint should always be recycled to prevent contaminating the land and groundwater. Earth911 provides an excellent database for recycling a number of materials; just enter your ZIP Code and the type of material.

2.     Reduce food waste and compost, even at the office

Approximately 1/3 of the food that is grown and raised in the U.S. is wasted, which also wastes the water and fertilizer used to grow the food. This is due to a number of factors including throwing out food that that is past its “Sell By” date, grocery stores that don’t want to sell “ugly” fruits and vegetables and restaurants that serve large portions.

Composting diverts food away from the landfill and prevents emission of greenhouse gases like CO2. Fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds and yard waste are a few items that can be composted. While some people use compost bins, you can also store compost in a plastic bag in the freezer. You can do this at work, too, but you’ll want to provide training and training about what can and cannot be composted. Composting pickup services are big business in some regions. Recology provides posters for home or office of what can be composted or recycled.

3.     Buy renewable energy credits (RECs)

Renewable energy – solar, wind, hydropower – now comprises 18% of all electricity power in the U.S., doubling since 2008 - and prices are coming down rapidly. While many of us aren’t able to install solar panels on the roofs of our homes or office buildings, almost everyone can purchase renewable energy credits (RECs) for home or office. Electricity produced by a solar or wind farm, for example is fed into the electrical grid then credits are sold by the owner of the renewable energy source. More than half of U.S. states and the District of Columbia require a minimum amount of energy to come from renewable sources now or by a future date.

Purchasing RECs may or may not increase your energy rate. It all depends on what state you’re located in and if it’s a residential or commercial account. For example I purchase 50% renewable energy for my home (and home office) in Virginia, and there’s no additional charge. If I chose to, I could purchase 100% renewable energy which would increase my rate by 1.5 cents/kWh. BuyCleanEnergy.com provides a directory of companies that sell RECs. I’ll also add Arcadia Power, a Certified B Corporation based in Washington, DC, since I’m a customer.

4.     Walk, bike or use public transit, whenever possible.

Do you drive alone to work every day? If so, you’re one of the 76% of U.S. commuters who do so. That’s a lot of cars on the road during morning and evening rush hour. In fact Americans spend 42 hours a year stuck in traffic, and 40% of all trips taken are two miles or less. You and your colleagues can be part of the solution to traffic.

Most urban and suburban areas have alternative transportation options available such as taking the bus, train or biking or walking. With mobile technology, you can find routes and schedules for public transit on your cell phone. Carpooling, ride share and telecommuting will also help reduce traffic, even if you only do this one day a week. If your company doesn’t offer telecommuting - and you can do your job from anywhere – get a program started with appropriate guidelines. If you have employees who live in the same area, suggest carpooling if they’re on the same work schedule. Online resources such as Commuter Connections in the Greater Washington, DC, area make it easy to plan your commute. As for biking to work - my favorite option - Bike To Work Day 2018 is on May 18, and it’s celebrated in towns and cities throughout the U.S. with pit stops and suggested routes.  

5.     Move your money to a community bank, credit union or a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI)

When you do your business or personal banking with one of these institutions instead of a big corporate bank, you’re benefiting your local economy and community. Community banks generally hold under $500 million in total assets. When more is invested at a local level through a community bank or a credit union, there is more positive community impact. Credit unions are cooperatively owned by its members. These financial institutions are more likely to:

·      Invest in and loan to small, local businesses because their staff and board of directors live and work in the community

·      Lend to local farmers who provide locally sourced produce and other food products

·      Offer more attractive loan terms

·      Offer low- or no-fee checking and savings accounts

·      Provide more personalized customer service

Community banks and credit unions employ almost a million people and help create thousands of jobs and support local businesses that keep money within the community. In fact, $45 of every $100 spent with a local business stays in the community versus $14 of $100 spent online or at a large, national chain retailer. These Stats & Facts from the Independent Community Bankers of America can help you decide about moving to a community bank or credit union.

While all these options may not be feasible for everyone, they cost next to nothing to implement. Pick one or two and see what you can do to make an impact on your environment, your community and your world.

Mark Frieden is Founder and President of Crossbow Strategies, a sustainability consulting company based in Alexandria, Virginia, that helps organizations create and measure key performance indicators (KPIs) relating to social, environmental and economic impact.

Giving Back for the Holidays. Where Are You Spending Your Time and Money?

November brings fall colors and colder weather for most of us. We all know the fourth Thursday in November (in the U.S.) is the day we spend with friends and family to say “thanks” for all we have. Over the last few decades, U.S. retailers have conditioned shoppers to visit retail stores and the malls on Black Friday then jump on their computer on Cyber Monday.

What started out as regular shopping hours on the Friday after Thanksgiving has turned into chaos with big crowds, supposed “deals” and store hours that begin earlier and earlier each year and add extra stress to retail employees. Some retailers have even been open on Thanksgiving. Cyber Monday often results in lower productivity in the office as employees do their online holiday shopping from their desks.

If you want to add extra meaning and purpose to the holiday season and inspire others to do the same, there are some other days you may want to mark on your calendar and share with your employees, customers and community.

The #OptOutside campaign was started by outdoor retailer REI in 2015 as a counter to Black Friday and encourages its employees and members (REI is a co-op) to get outdoors, explore and enjoy nature. Although REI closes its doors on Black Friday, consumers can still shop on the REI web site that day. Prior to the inaugural #OptOutside campaign Jerry Stritzke, president and CEO of REI, said, “Black Friday is the perfect time to remind ourselves of the essential truth that life is richer, more connected and complete when you choose to spend it outside.” 

To date, the #OptOutside campaign has resulted in millions of ad impressions, several advertising awards, over 700 corporate and non-profit partners and participation by 8 million members and employees. In 2016, REI reported a 5.5% increase in annual revenues and invested $9.3 million with its non-profit partners.

Small Business Saturday, shines a light on small, locally owned businesses. This national campaign, started by American Express in 2010, helps small businesses promote themselves to the local community with marketing materials and ideas for neighborhood events.

According to a compilation of studies by Civic Economics, local and independent retailers recirculate 48% of their revenues back into the local economy vs. about 13% for national retailers. If you shop online with a national chain, even less goes back to the local community. About 3% of local retailers’ revenues go back to the community as charitable giving. Local businesses are 2-1/2 times more likely to make donations to local charities versus national chains. Shopping at local businesses can also benefit the environment since many are within walking or biking distance of their customers.

Going beyond supporting the local community is Shop For Good Sunday, a new campaign for 2017 that guides shoppers to support brands – both brick and mortar and online – that make a commitment to do good for the world. The campaign is the idea of DoneGood, a social enterprise and Certified B Corporation® that created a free Chrome extension, web site and mobile application “to make it easy to help people find and support brands that make the world better.” Approximately 45 brands are partnering with Shop For Good Sunday. It’s free for socially responsible businesses, including Certified B Corporations®, to participate. To be considered as a partner, go here.

Since it is the end of the year we should think about non-profit organizations that need our financial support.  #GivingTuesday, which began in 2012, rounds out November with a kickoff to year-end philanthropy. In 2015 that one day of giving resulted in raising $177 million in 98 countries with an average donation of $107. Corporations, small businesses, universities, schools, organizations and individuals can visit the web site to learn about how to run a successful giving campaign and use the power of social media to direct potential donors to specific causes.

Business leaders should remind their employees of these important days at the end of November as days to spend exploring the outdoors, supporting their local communities and making purchases from companies that give back or donate directly to causes that are important to them.

November to Remember (Hashtags and 2017 Dates)

#OptOutside – November 24

#ShopSmall (Small Business Saturday) – November 25

#ShopForGoodSunday – November 26

#GivingTuesday – November 28

By Mark Frieden, President, Crossbow Strategies

HEX Ferments Announces Certification as a B Corporation

Baltimore-based food company highlights commitment to progressive business practices and environmental stewardship

Baltimore, Maryland, November 7, 2017 - HEX Ferments, a Baltimore-based producer of wholesome and healthy sauerkrauts, kimchi, seasonal ferments and kombucha teas, announced today it has become a Certified B Corporation®. This third-party certification is awarded to companies that meet rigorous standards of social, environmental and economic performance, accountability and transparency by B Lab, the non-profit that certifies and supports B Corps™.

B Corp™ is a certification for an entire company. Fair Trade and USDA Organic are certifications for specific products. To become a Certified B Corporation®, a company must score a minimum of 80 points out of 200 on the B Impact Assessment. HEX Ferments achieved a score of 109 points.

HEX Ferments is committed to their community and the environment through:

·       Sourcing close to 100% organic produce for its products

·       Using 100% wind power for its facilities

·       Recycling and composting over 90% of waste

·       Giving back to local non-profit organizations including Future Harvest and Great Kids Farm

Shane and Meaghan Carpenter, the co-founders of HEX Ferments said, “We value providing healthy, fermented foods to our community while supporting local agriculture and reducing our environmental impact through sourcing organically, using renewable energy and reducing waste. The B Corporation certification communicates that commitment to our customers, employees, and suppliers.” 

Guiding HEX Ferments through the B Impact Assessment was Crossbow Strategies, a sustainability consulting firm based in Alexandria, Virginia.

“It was important to Shane and Meaghan to achieve this third-party certification verifying how they run HEX Ferments,” said Mark Frieden, president of Crossbow Strategies. “Certified B Corporations increase shareholder value, create value for employees, customers, suppliers and the community, and consider a company’s impact on the environment.” HEX Ferments joins over 2,300 Certified B Corps in 50 countries and 130 industries including nine others based in the State of Maryland.   


About HEX Ferments

Shane and Meaghan Carpenter, cofounders of HEX Ferments, are Maryland-based food alchemists, dedicated to sourcing from local and organic farmers. They believe in creating partnerships with these providers of sustenance to create unique ferments that support our individual health as well as the health of our local foodshed. HEX Ferments products are available at over 50 retail locations in Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia including Whole Foods, MOM’s Organic Market, select farmers markets and HEX Ferments shop at Belvedere Square Market in Baltimore. For more information, please visit www.hexferments.com Follow on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

About B Lab

B Lab is a non-profit organization that serves a global movement of people using business as a force for good. Its vision is that one day all companies compete not only to be the best in the world, but the Best for the World® and as a result society will enjoy a more shared and durable prosperity. For more information, visit www.bcorporation.com.

For more information, please contact Mark Frieden, mark@crossbowstrategies.com

Bike to Work Days (Year-Round)!

by Mark Frieden, Crossbow Strategies

Tired of road traffic or Metro delays? Have you ever considered riding a bike to work? The annual Bike to Work Day is celebrated on the third Friday of May, (5/19/17), not only in the Washington, DC area, but also around the country. In the Washington area, Bike to Work Day is organized by Commuter Connections and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) and sponsored by area companies and biking organizations. If you’re looking for people in your area to ride with, you can post on the Bike Arlington forum, even if you don’t live in Arlington. On your way to work or on your way home next Friday, you can stop at one of the 85 area pit stops along the way.  

Bike infrastructure in the Washington area has grown substantially over the last several years with protected bike lanes and connected bike trails, making bike commuting much safer for riders and for motorists. Capital Bikeshare has grown to over 440 stations with 3,700 bikes in DC, Arlington, Alexandria, Montgomery County and now in Fairfax County centered around the Tysons and Reston areas. The service offers daily, monthly, annual and corporate memberships. This is a great solution for getting to and from a bus or train station that may be further away than you want to walk.

Want to make biking to work a habit instead of just one day a year? Here’s what you’ll need to commute by bike to your office and back home. In addition to having a bike in good working condition, you’ll need a helmet, water bottle and a backpack or panniers to carry clothing and other work items. To lighten your load while cycling in on the middle days of the week you can drive in or take public transit to work on Monday with clothes for those days then do the reverse on Friday when you bring home all the clothes.

The obvious benefit of biking to work is the exercise, but it can also save you money in terms of fuel, maintenance and parking. When I biked to work from Arlington to DC, I was also able to enjoy views of the Potomac River, Jefferson Memorial and the Mall. Once I got to work, showered changed and sat at my desk, I was more energized for the work day.  

Employers can earn LEED points for their building and add points for their company’s B Impact Assessment in order to become a Certified B Corporation by providing incentives for employees to bike to work such as bike racks and changing facilities. In the Washington area, benefits are available for bike commuters and employers.

If you want more tips on biking to work, providing incentives for your employees to participate or how you can make getting to work easier for your staff, please contact me at mark@crossbowstrategies.com

Experience the Living Building Challenge at the Alice Ferguson Foundation

During the last century, residential and commercial buildings have evolved from one- or two-story structures heated by fireplaces, lighted by candles with no running water to ones of several stories connected to the grid to provide energy for heating, cooling and lighting and modern plumbing to provide potable water and sanitation. The LEED standard was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council in the 1990s to help architects, designers and developers create buildings that are more energy-efficient, use recycled materials and are generally healthier for their occupants.

Now comes the Living Building Challenge, an even higher standard launched in 2009 by the Cascadia Green Building Council located in the Cascades region of the U.S. and Canada. The standard considers seven performance areas: site, water, energy, health, materials, equity and beauty. These areas are then subdivided into twenty imperatives such as net positives for energy, water and waste.

If you’re located in the Mid-Atlantic region, you can learn more from the experts who have had experience managing a living building project. The Greater Washington DC Chapter of the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) is hosting Experience the Living Building Challenge at the Alice Ferguson Foundation in Accokeek, Maryland, on Saturday, May 20, from 9:45am to 2pm.

To learn more about the event, the speakers and to register, please go to: http://bit.ly/2mcIxIk 

What Is Your Business Doing For Earth Day?

The first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, brought together over 20 million Americans for rallies, speeches and meetings to talk about the environment and ways they could fight pollution of the air, water and land. Earth Day celebrations have been held ever since by average citizens in their communities and, increasingly, by businesses.

Does your business have plans to celebrate Earth Day in 2017?

This year Earth Day falls on a Saturday, which is also the March For Science in Washington, DC and many cities around the U.S. If you can’t make it for that, here are a few ways your company can take part:

·      Partner with a local environmental non-profit organization. They will often organize clean ups of parks or local waterways, and not just around Earth Day.

·      Conduct a waste audit of your company’s facilities. (I know, fun!) Find out how much is thrown away, recycled and composted, by weight over a week, and see if waste can be reduced and recycling and composting can be increased.

·      Visit a local farmers market. There are almost 150 markets in Virginia, DC and Maryland. The people working the stands will often provide you with cooking tips and recipes.

·      Invite an environmental expert to speak to your employees. They can often be found at local universities, schools or museums.

·      These are just a few ideas, and if you can’t schedule something for April plan an event any time of year. Remember, every day is Earth Day!

Did you know that the idea for Earth Day started in Virginia? In 1969, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin gave a presentation about sustainable practices to a conference of law and medical students at the Airlie Conference Center in Warrenton, Virginia. That same year he had witnessed a massive oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara and was inspired to tap into the energy of the Vietnam War protests at the time and create a movement to demand a clean environment.

Employee Profit Sharing: Is It Right For Your Business?

If employees at your company are paid well, offered benefits such as health care and paid time off, then the company is like many in the U.S. What other compensation can be offered to new employees or added as an incentive for current employees to stay, thus reducing the time and cost of hiring replacements? Many companies that want to differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract and retain the best talent can offer employee profit sharing.

Employee profit sharing may or may not be a good fit for your business or something to implement right now. The business should be profitable for at least three years for consistency. While profit sharing can be attractive to employees, company owners and managers need to be sure the profits are there to share and that employees are truly motivated by financial rewards.

Here are some things to consider for a successful profit-sharing plan:

·      Make sure you have a written plan that includes who’s eligible. Eligible employees should have worked for the company for a minimum number of months. 

·      Consider giving a higher portion of the profit shares to those who have worked for several years at the company.

·      If you have part-time employees, will they be included in the plan?

·      Determine how often profits are distributed, quarterly, semi-annually, annually.

·      Reward employee behaviors, especially those who go above and beyond their job requirements.

·      Number of employees, rate of employee turnover, profit margins and industry

While these are only a few items to look at before implementing profit sharing, you’ll also want to consult a tax professional to determine how the profit sharing is distributed with regards to state and federal taxes.

Treating employees well with good pay, benefits and rewards that motivate them whether financial or otherwise should translate into a more valuable workforce which, in turn, translate into happier customers. For those companies seeking B Corp certification or recertification, all these things can mean a higher score on the B Impact Assessment.

Giving Back (Strategically)

Businesses, large and small, and in every industry, often give back to their communities in the form of monetary or in-kind donations, volunteer time or through a foundation. Do you know how your company gives back?

The reasons vary as to why companies donate time, money or products to a local charity or a cause. It could be a favorite of the CEO; the company could have ties to a local non-profit, or it may be left up to individual employees to choose the organizations to which they donate, often with the company matching employees’ donations dollar for dollar. Giving back can make a company’s employees feel good about working there, enhance the company’s positive image and provide tax benefits for the company.

Companies that think strategically by donating money, time or products may also find that their generosity can also benefit their bottom line.

Technology companies such as Google and Microsoft run community programs that align with their business models. This includes educating school children about computer programming or donating computers. Some technology companies provide equipment or technological expertise to non-profit organizations that need technology for operations, fundraising or outreach communications.

Food and beverage producers rely on a steady stream of high-quality inputs needed to produce their products whether it’s water for soft drinks or ingredients for hummus. Pepsi’s philanthropic causes include sustainable agriculture and access to clean water. The Love & Hummus Company, a Certified B Corp based in San Francisco, donates to K-12 education-based organizations that support school garden programs.

Some companies such as MarketPoint, a strategic marketing and communications company based in Harford, Maryland, have adopted a three-tiered strategy of giving employees paid volunteer time, donating a portion of their revenues and providing products and services to deserving non-profit organizations.

Laura Pasternak, MarketPoint’s Principal and Chief Strategist explained her company’s strategy for giving back. “Since our inception, MarketPoint has believed in giving back to the community. But we were ad hoc in our approach. We wanted a way to ensure that as we grew, our contributions to the community – through financial donations, time and pro bona work – grew with us. Our 1-2-3 CSR Initiative puts a framework to our charitable work and ensures that all team members understand the targets and personally contribute to our corporate social responsibility efforts.”

Pasternak offered advice for companies who want to establish a CSR program. “Involve your employees in the process and define criteria that works for you.  Establishing metrics and goals provides clarity for the effort and communicates to employees the value your organization places on giving back to the community.”  

For those companies that are pursuing or have achieved Certified B Corp status, incorporating a strategic giving program into their business plans is a no brainer. Certified B Corp companies benefit all stakeholders – community, workers, suppliers, customers and the environment – not just shareholders. They are profitable businesses that also contribute to building an inclusive economy where everyone thrives.

BetterWorld Telecom, a founding B Corp based in Reston, Virginia, supports the community by donating 3% of its revenues to charities supporting children, education, the environment and fair trade. More than 75% of employees take paid time off to volunteer for community service and more than 10% of the company’s suppliers are located in low-income communities. James Kenefick, BetterWorld Telecom’s Chairman, says, “the B Corp movement shows us that business can be a driving agent of change.”








A Good Search

Consumers are increasingly turning to their computers to do at least some shopping online whether it’s for food, clothing, gifts or pet items. Often we log onto to the same big online retailers because they usually have a larger selection, and we trust that they’ll deliver our order on time and without hassles. If we do a Google search, for example, to find products, we often click on the top links on a search result even if they’re paid ads.

What if we could shop with our values and purchase quality products from mission-driven companies that may not always land at the top of a search result?

On Black Friday 2016, DoneGood launched as both a mobile app and as an extension on the Chrome browser. Both are free to download, and they help shoppers find mission-driven companies selling products such as men’s clothing, women’s clothing, kids’ clothing, outdoor gear, shoes, bags, home, personal care & beauty, gifts and pet products.

Products can be filtered by values that support the environment, good labor practices, diversity or sustainable manufacturing processes and/or materials. All the companies featured on DoneGood have businesses practices that benefit their employees, their customers, their supply chain or the environment. Many have also have earned some type of third-party certification such as B Corporation, Fair Trade or GOTS certified organic cotton.

The idea for DoneGood came from founders Cullen Schwarz and Scott Jacobsen, who wanted to vote with their wallets and buy products from companies that aligned with their values.  They both moved to Washington, DC, in 2007 to work in politics. Conversations often centered around buying from companies that treated workers well or didn’t use toxic materials in the manufacturing process or in packaging. They continued to talk about the idea of buying from good companies and sharing this with others.

While Scott entered a Master’s degree program at Harvard, Cullen’s continued to advance in his career as a press secretary. While at Harvard, Scott discovered an incubator called iLab, which helped him and Cullen turn their idea of finding good companies into a business. They found an MIT grad with app development experience. The pilot app featured brick and mortar businesses making a positive impact in the Boston area.

To scale up and feature online businesses, they needed a data scientist. Scott found one who helped develop the search capability to identify online vendors that have third-party green certifications or align with any of the ten categories in the application under the filter heading “What Matters to You?” – Green, Organic/GMO Free, Vegan, Gives Back, Supports Workers, Women/Minority Owned, Made in the USA, Toxin Free, Cruelty Free, Recycled/Upcycled.

Some of the vendors that are featured offer discounts on purchases when you find their company through DoneGood. More features and capabilities will be available soon, and the company is fully funded through 2017 thanks to angel investors. Keep an eye on how DoneGood will help more good companies reach new customers and connect them to companies that are doing well by doing good.


Buying Local for a Stronger Community and Economy

With the holidays upon us we reflect on what we’re thankful for; prosperity, good health, good friends and family. It’s also the time when many of us start our holiday shopping and head to the malls or to our Internet devices. After all that shopping we may meet up with family and friends at a restaurant or bar. What if we shopped, dined and drank at locally owned businesses instead of national chains?

Falling in between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday™ started in the town of Roslindale, Massachusetts, on November 27, 2010 to encourage holiday shoppers to buy from small, local retailers. Small Business Saturday™ is trademarked by American Express and is now championed by small businesses and elected officials in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In 2014 over $14 billion was spent at small independent businesses on that day, and in 2015 over 95 million Americans participated in Small Business Saturday™.

While these are great statistics for one day, what are the benefits to small businesses, their customers and the communities they serve the other 364 days of the year? Several independent studies have shown that the “multiplier effect” of spending money at locally owned retailers returns three times more money to the local economy versus spending at national chains. When compared to online retailers it’s a multiple of 50 times more going to the local economy. Dining at locally owned restaurants versus chains returns twice the money.

Small retail and restaurant owners often support other locally owned small businesses by purchasing products and services needed to run the business. This includes accounting, technology and printing services, office supplies and equipment and food. Locally owned businesses often pay higher wages compared to big-box retailers thus strengthening the local economy and reducing government assistance. When there is a critical mass of local businesses in a city or county, it’s an even bigger boost to the local economy.

Since many locally owned businesses locate in residential areas, customers can walk, bike or drive fewer miles to get there, creating less traffic and pollution versus driving to the big-box retailers or the malls. Locally owned retailers often carry locally produced products, thus boosting the “maker economy” in their communities. Restaurants often source from local farms where food tastes better than if it’s shipped across the country.

Other reasons to Shop Small include higher overall customer satisfaction, more knowledgeable staff and more community involvement – including making donations to local charities. As you shop and dine this holiday season think about your community and supporting the local store and restaurant owners, employees and producers that make it a more prosperous place to live, work and play.


Why I'm Starting Crossbow Strategies

The experience of working at both for-profit businesses and non-profit organizations has given me a perspective on the pros and cons of each. Businesses, for the most part, exist only to satisfy shareholders by increasing profits. They may donate to charities but it may not be part strategic in the sense that it benefits their stakeholders. Non-profit organizations focus on issues such as health, education or the environment and may have multiple revenue streams.

Businesses generally operate with the purpose of increasing profits but often don’t focus on solving social issues. Non-profits may struggle to bring in enough money through fundraising, memberships or other streams in order to solve the issues and meet the goals on which they’re working. What if there was a hybrid organization that could be profitable as well as be beneficial to society and the environment? In my opinion as well as others in the social impact space, there should be more profit-making impact businesses in the world.

That’s why I started Crossbow Strategies, a consulting practice that helps for-profit businesses increase value and increase their impact on the community and the environment. I’m also helping to grow the Certified B Corp movement.

Many companies have found that they can increase their value by growing profits while making a positive impact on their employees, customers, community and also the environment through reducing the use of resources such as energy, water and packaging. That’s where the B Corp certification comes in. It’s a third-party certification that similar to LEED certification for buildings or a USDA Organic certification for food products, but it certifies an entire company.

To become a Certified B Corp a company must complete the B Impact Assessment and earn a minimum score of 80 out of 200 points. They must also change their legal status to a benefit corporation if they’re located in one of the 30 U.S. states or Washington, DC, that recognize this type of business. Becoming a benefit corporation does not change a company’s tax status.

Certified B Corporations only make up a small percentage of the millions of companies around the world. As of the summer 2016, there are 1,800 B Corps in 50 countries covering 130 industries. Some familiar Certified B Corps include Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s, Etsy and Seventh Generation. Large multinational corporations such as Unilever and Danone are exploring the certification.

The B Corp certification was developed by B Lab, a non-profit organization based in Pennsylvania, which has also worked with state legislatures to create the benefit corporation legal status for companies.

Some benefits of businesses becoming a Certified B Corporation include:

·      Differentiating themselves from competitors

·      Attracting investors who want long-term value

·      Attracting potential employees, especially millennials, who want to their work to have meaning

·      Benchmarking economic, environmental and social performance

·      Generating publicity

·      Partnering with peers

If you would like to find out how to increase your businesses long-term value and benefit all stakeholders, contact us at Crossbow Strategies.

Give Yourself a Gift By Opting Outside This Friday

Originally published on November 24 2015

On the day after Thanksgiving most of us are tired - and may still feel stuffed from overeating - but we're happy that we spent time with family and friends the day before. If you follow most of the nation's retailers, they want you to believe that you have to visit their stores to buy holiday gifts or things for yourself, often at prices you won't see again until the next Black Friday. 

There are others who believe that gifts are more than just physical stuff like clothing, electronics or gadgets that may give one instant gratification. If we want to really have something that lasts, something we can talk to family and friends about, something that stays with us a lifetime then we need to step outside and explore and opt for being outside this Friday. 

Even if you've lived in the same area for a long time as I have, there is that trail, that street, that park, that river or lake that you've not seen before or in a while or at this time of year. Spend a few hours outside and you'll see, hear and smell things you haven't experienced in a while. Want to take away something? Bring a camera.

Since many people are in front of a screen for several hours a day, exploring the outside world can help with relaxation and increased creativity at work. At the very least it's good exercise. Being outside for more than a few minutes may also  help create more of a work-life balance. According to a study published in Psychological Science, interacting with nature gives your brain a break from everyday overstimulation, which can have a restorative effect on your attention levels.

Do yourself a favor and join me, my wife and millions of others who won't be inside with the crowds trying to find a bargain (most aren't) and #optoutside. You'll remember it for a long time. You may change your mind about gifts for family and friends and give them an experience instead.