What Is Your Business Doing For Earth Day?
/The first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, brought together over 20 million Americans for rallies, speeches and meetings to talk about the environment and ways they could fight pollution of the air, water and land. Earth Day celebrations have been held ever since by average citizens in their communities and, increasingly, by businesses.
Does your business have plans to celebrate Earth Day in 2017?
This year Earth Day falls on a Saturday, which is also the March For Science in Washington, DC and many cities around the U.S. If you can’t make it for that, here are a few ways your company can take part:
· Partner with a local environmental non-profit organization. They will often organize clean ups of parks or local waterways, and not just around Earth Day.
· Conduct a waste audit of your company’s facilities. (I know, fun!) Find out how much is thrown away, recycled and composted, by weight over a week, and see if waste can be reduced and recycling and composting can be increased.
· Visit a local farmers market. There are almost 150 markets in Virginia, DC and Maryland. The people working the stands will often provide you with cooking tips and recipes.
· Invite an environmental expert to speak to your employees. They can often be found at local universities, schools or museums.
· These are just a few ideas, and if you can’t schedule something for April plan an event any time of year. Remember, every day is Earth Day!
Did you know that the idea for Earth Day started in Virginia? In 1969, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin gave a presentation about sustainable practices to a conference of law and medical students at the Airlie Conference Center in Warrenton, Virginia. That same year he had witnessed a massive oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara and was inspired to tap into the energy of the Vietnam War protests at the time and create a movement to demand a clean environment.